Guide on the Beach

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With our resort conveniently located by the beach, we would like to offer tips on how to make your next stay at the beach as safe as possible.

We have seen black thick clumps of oil on the beach. These blobs of oil are usually from natural seeps that have been washed onshore as a result of geological activity and various other factors. While they are natural, they can be a pain when stepped on. The best way to remove tar residue is to rub a little oil on them. This year, the ocean pollution has been more serious compared to the past years and we are in contact with representatives of the local government on the regulation, protection and maintenance of the island, including preserving the natural beauty of our ocean and to combat pollution. We are working cooperatively with the ministry and extended more manpower to clean our beach.

Jellyfish may be present in the waters year round as they float through the ocean carried by currents and are always found from the surface to the deep sea. The great majority of jellyfish encountered are perfectly harmless. When you do bump into them, their sting can cause irritation. Take simple precaution such as wearing a long-sleeve rash guard may offer protection. If you are stung, we provide vinegar at the different stations on the beach.

If you require further information, please feel free to email us at We also welcome any suggestions for this list. Dedicated to the interests of the ongoing safety of our in-house guests, please take a look at our Safety and Precautionary Guidelines.